Join us an Academy Committee Member
Thomas Deacon Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and a charitable trust. Responsibility for the academies that make up TDET and for the funds granted by Parliament for providing education in those academies is entrusted to the Board of Trustees.
These Trustees are also the Directors of the company. Much of the work of the Board is delegated to committees; at TDET Level we have the Education Committee and the Finance Committee; locally there is a separate committee for each of the academies which works as an Academy Committee.
Governance at TDA
As an Academy, we are governed by an Academy Committee. This group of people is made up of a non-executive Chairman, a range of local business people, councillors, community representatives, sponsor representatives and parent representatives. The Academy Committee meets every half term and minutes of the meetings are readily available. Please click here for the Thomas Deacon Education Trust Governance Structure.
The core functions of the Academy Committee are:
Holding the Principal and other senior leadership to account for the educational performance of the Academy and its students;
Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Register of Interests
To view the TDET Register of Interests please click here
Scheme of Delegation
To view the Scheme of Delegation please click here
Statutory Agreements
Attendance at Academy Committee:
Click here to view the attendance records of members at Academy Committee meetings.
Pen Portraits
John Turner: Chair
I joined the Academy Committee at the end of July 2017, after being elected as Thomas Deacon Foundation representative to the Academy. I have also been a Governor at Gladstone Primary Academy since it joined TDET in February 2017.
I wanted to join the Academy Committee to be able to share my experiences of working within the charity sector for over 20 years in a variety of roles. I have worked in the tourism, health and social care sectors. That has included involvement in an area-based curriculum as well as leading learning workshops, supporting young carers and their families, supporting transitional change, ensuring compliance and enabling quality improvement.
I enjoy the opportunities that being a Governor gives me, working as part of a team and learning how my previous experiences can be relevant and adapted to support the work of the Academy Committee and offer a different perspective to the staff and leadership team of the Academy.
TDA has such a great heritage within Peterborough – dating back to 1722 thanks to the remarkable Thomas Deacon and his act of kindness in providing an education for the children of the city. TDA is full of achievements and character thanks to its amazing students and staff, all of which come together to make it different from other schools.
John Peach
I find I have always been connected with the school, via family contacts, and I first started serving as a Governor on the board of Deacon's School - over 30 years ago! The Headmaster at the time always liked to have someone from the council on the board of governors although at the time I had little experience of education apart being not long out of school myself.
I can't say I had actively wanted to be a governor but had always lived in the Deacons School area, my late father and his father both went to Deacon's School and some Peachs are listed as former pupils who were killed after they left school and joined the army. So it seemed like a natural opportunity to take up.
The part of the job I most enjoy is meeting and talking to both staff and pupils. It is always good when you feel you can give someone advice if they ask a question be it about a school or community matter.
I guess everyone will say that what sets TDA apart is its size. When TDA was formed from the former Deacon's School, John Mansfield and Hereward, it was said to be the largest school in Europe.
I want to see TDA get better and better to become both a UK and world leading school. To make more of its specialism in Maths and Science and to take full advantage of all its links with other schools and businesses.
Amy Woolner
I am a local Headteacher and have worked in education for a while now! I have always had an interest in education and learning as far as I can remember - this led me to explore a career in education. Working with children is incredibly rewarding - no two days are ever the same! As an Academy Committee member, I hope that my experience in education can help improve both academic outcomes for pupils at TDA, but also their character and aspirations for their futures.
Kirsty Freeden
I joined the committee in 2020 when my daughter was in Year 7. Both my children are now at TDA seniors after coming through the Junior School. I have been a secondary school teacher for over 20 years and wanted to see if I could help at my children’s school. I went to school in Peterborough and really care about the quality of education in our city.
In my current job at Queen Katharine Academy, I lead the social science department and look after the development of our early career teachers. I think this perspective as an experienced teacher and a parent of students at the school, places me in a great position to work with the school to raise standards and attainment at TDA.
I am interested in increasing the life chances and opportunities for all students through exam success and enrichment.
Rosina Hashmi - Awaiting content
Morgan Denham - Awaiting content